Sunday 1 April 2018

Missing Species

We now have a database set up with records going back over the last fourty years , but still have a few blanks with missing species. If any birder has seen any of the species listed below we would love to hear from you. 
Bewick Swan
Little Egret
Ringed Plover
Glaucous Gull
Arctic Tern
Tree Pipit
Wood Warbler
Pied Flycatcher
Mealy Redpoll

To take this one step further we are missing records for the following Butterfly species.
Small Heath
Dark Green Fritillary.

And the following Dragonfly species as above please get in touch if you have any old records or come across these in the coming months.
Emerald Damselfly
Four-spotted Chaser
Common Hawker
Emperor Dragonfly
Ruddy Darter.

As far as we know none of the above have been recorded here at Astbury so here's the challenge come help us find them , the more help we get the more eyes looking the more eyes looking the more we will find.

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